Singapore Short Film Series - The Rules Breakers
Hey lovelies!
I seldom share any videos, let alone short films series here, but today, I can't help but to share a short film video from some of our local boys, whom created all these marvelous videos all by themselves!
Featuring a group of young local talents and production group, you will not believe your eyes that it is all done by themselves!
All these films are created for non-profit purpose and it is solely out of their own pocket money and passion! With that, how can I not show my support by sharing it out? :)
The Rule Breakers [The Class Fight]

Three students from CHBS (Crimson High Boys School) were caught fighting in class. However, were what they're fighting for worth it?
And of cause, the part 2, (continuation) of The Rule Breakers:
The Rule Breakers 2 [The Streets]

After a game of basketball match, three students from CHBS (Crimson High Boys School) saw their favourite teacher Miss Huang kidnapped by students of their school working with the drug dealers.
Will the trio apply what they've learned from school despite their last reprimanded attempt?
*PS: These videos has gathered more than 56,000 views for part 1, and more than 14,000 views for part 2 that was released recently on Youtube. (The views are approximated at the point of writing, and it is still counting on)
So now if you like their works and efforts, why not support them just by sharing/liking their videos so that they can continue to make more entertaining videos in the future for us? Their works should be recognize by all of us! Right?
And before I go, here is their Facebook Page:
The Rule Breakers - Short Film
Till next time!
Written by Michelle 황현이
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